Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I know I'm not really that popular on YouTube (yet), but I've been working on a few apparel designs that I will be releasing for people to buy, sometime in the near future. (probably this summer sometime) New vlog up TMW and a truly EPIC VFX video on Friday, so be sure you're subscribed to me and see ya soon!


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Better things are on their way!!! (aka UPDATE!!!)

Hey guys!

I'm realizing that my laptop that I'm using to make my videos isn't the best. So, I'm planning on getting an iMac when I graduate high school and when I get it, I will get the Adobe Creative Suite. This is really what I want to do with my life. I want to make videos that make people laugh (like smosh) and make videos that make people say "Holy Crap was that real!" (like freddiew). But I can only get there with your help! I'm super psyched, I know this kinda makes it seem like I won't be making any good videos until I graduate high school...well I have that worked out as well! I'm thinking maybe more music videos and more sketches (I know I need to work on my sense of humor and my comedy skills but, I'm working on it!) I hope you guys stick around and if you're new here, why not subscribe to my channel!?

