It includes:
- Date and Time
- 12 or 24 hr
- Calendar
- Alternates items in color and white so it's easy to see different events
- Weather
- Current
- Hourly (8hrs)
- 3 day forecast
- Popup "app" with ability to read and reply to emails as well as send new ones
- News
- Select news source and there you go
- Facebook feed
- Twitter Feed
- Grooveshark music player
- Popup "app" to login/register as well as find your music to play, make playlists, etc...
- Download button to get the song via iTunes, Amazon, or other ways. (popup options)
**Facebook, twitter, mail, calendar, and news are all interchangeable and can be placed in each others spots.**
I really hope someone designs something like this for the RPi or that I learn to code good enough to make it myself.
- Raspberry Pi - $35
- 1080p 22" Monitor - $149
- Wireless Keyboard & Mouse - $35
- HDMI cable - $6
- Case - $7
- 4 port USB hub - $8
- 8GB SD card - $12
- Power supply -$10
- Wifi Adapter - $11
TOTAL: ~$273