ok hear me out on this. I'm not sure if anyone else has had this idea so maybe this isn't original but still...ok here's my idea:
The Name would be "Pokemon Origins". The game starts off where you get to fully customize your little avatar, because seriously it's not like we're all gonna look alike. Next you can either have your "rival" as a CPU or as another real life person (i.e. your friend or just a random person).
In this game however there isn't a professor that just gives you a Pokemon. There will be one pokeball in the starting town and you have to find it, then the little girl or whomever won't stop you from going into the grass. Everyone encounters a different first pokemon but nonetheless it is a level 2 and you catch it on your first try.
What generation of pokemon? :) Generation One...to begin with. Once you capture that pokemon you go on exploring the Kanto region. However there aren't any gym leaders. Because you are one of the first pokemon trainers, ever (thus the name "pokemon origins"). After you finish exploring the Kanto region, you learn from someone that there are actually more regions...so you go explore those regions (generation 2 - present). Again there aren't any gym leaders yet, because you are one of the first trainers. However there are pokemon "gangs" that you encounter who are very similar to gym leaders. There are also other trainers that you encounter.
So basically this game is all the other games combined. All the regions in one huge map, every single pokemon able to be caught, and in the end you become the first pokemon professor.
So...any thoughts, ideas, comments, etc?
originally posted by me on reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/13o68t/new_pokemon_game_idea/