Saturday, February 18, 2012

How NOT to Interview!!!

Sup people of the world!!! So today I filmed a gun safety video at my local field and stream...we were there for about 3 hours and I have about 6GB of video. Honestly I was more stressed out writing/story-boarding than actually directing it. It was really fun and I worked with a great group of people to make it happen. I most likely won't be posting it on YouTube just because I doubt most the people in it would be ok with that. Now the fun part...editing! I'm NOT be sarcastic at all!! I really have more fun editing than directing or writing...kinda weird but yup!

If you haven't seen my latest interview check below!

Thanks for reading my blog and I'll see ya later!!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New vlog, I have another announcement, what's new?

Here's my latest vlog which was actually one of my favorites to make:

My announcement is this:

I have figured out that I like making people laugh and I like making videos and I also like making videos with SWEET/RAD VFX. So I've decided that once I'm in film school I will start making A LOT more VFX videos and I'm gonna try making my videos a little more funny which I think I did pretty good with this Friday's video ;) I'm pretty excited for that video because it has something to do with what I'm stressed out about and I make it uber funny...well at least to me. In it I also make a "Step Brothers" reference :) lol

See ya guys friday!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012


So today is obviously Valentines day. If you're just finding out and you have a BF or GF well you don't anymore. Anyways I just wanted to say that valentines day isn't just about having a BF or GF and telling them you love them or giving them gifts because if you really do love and care about them you'd do that everyday. Valentines day is also about spending time with your family and the people you care the most about. So for everyone who has posted this on Facebook today...
...the "forever alone"'re not going to be "forever alone"! Find someone you care about and TELL THEM! Talk to your parents or siblings because even if you haven't talked in forever...they probably still care about you! So yeah that's my input on valentines day, tell me yours in the comments below...oh one reads this blog..  :)

See ya later!


Monday, February 13, 2012


Holy CRAP!!! I am soooo stressed out right now it's not even funny!!! Well it is kinda funny but not really but it is and it isn't but it is and yeah you get my point. So I've been planning a gun safety video for almost 6 months now and it's going down this Saturday. I have literally done so much planning and arranging in the last 48 hours I think I've done more work on the project in the last 72 hours than I've done the past 6 months...that says something about me! (procrastinator I AM!!) Anyways I figured just about everything out but I decided it would be a good idea to test out some shots I had in mind for the video, to make sure I can actually do them and make them look somewhat decent. Like I've said previously in other posts, my laptop that I have sucks A LOT, so I have this super nice software but it lags ALOT when I use it. The software is amazing but my laptop lags soooo much. It literally took my laptop 20 min to track a 5 second video!!!! And my camera records in HD so that doesn't help the editing speed. My laptop lags sooo much when I edit the video :(

I don't know why but for my laptop the only software that works somewhat decent and can work with my HD footage without lagging too much is Sony Vegas Pro but I don't have $600 for it and they didn't respond to my letter where I asked them to donate some software. Wow that was a really long sentence. I am really tired right now and I have freaking school tommorow which makes me even more stressed out! You could say i get stressed out easily but that would be 110% true :) This post is entirely way too long and I know nobody even reads them so I guess I better be going because I really have no idea what I just wrote. I'm legitly that tired.

Peace off!

~E to the l to the i....ELI!!!\


Sunday, February 12, 2012


So I've been working on this super huge project for almost 6 months and I'm finally doing it on Saturday. I just realized how huge it is and what I'm gonna be doing on Saturday. I'm FREAKING out right now!!! It's a gun safety video and I just finished writing an 11 page storyboard for it and now I still have to find "actors" for it and I have to film it all on Saturday!!! THIS IS CRAZY!!! I don't think I'm ready at all for this! It's the BIGGEST video project I have ever tried/attempted and it's either gonna be AWESOME or it'll SUCK...

Anyways I hope you've checked out my latest video. If not go to and I should have a new vlog up on Wednesday and next wednesday then an awesome video next next friday.



Sunday, February 5, 2012

EPIC new web series in the making!!!

SUP!? I've been thinking about making a web series for some time now. I'm not gonna give away to many details but here's a little bit about it!

  • It'll be monthly
  • 10-20min long
  • 2+ hosts (I'll be one of course)
  • Comedy
And that's all I want to tell you! :) I think you will really like it!! Be sure to subscribe to my channel to get updates and follow me on twitter (@kutarimeikitato or @InfiniteBeast) to keep updated!!

That's all for now,


Friday, February 3, 2012


As promised here is the full length initiation video that you saw parts of in my "Rebourne" video!!!

I hope you enjoyed both of the videos and I hope you would subscribe to my channel!!

